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Self Assessment
Patrons who use their GameSense understand that gambling involves taking a risk.
Casino gambling is designed to be a form of fun and entertainment and is not intended to create personal hardship. Take the questionnaire contained in the Self Assessment brochure to see what your personal risk is for developing problems with gambling.Note: The test contained in the brochure is a basic evaluation and not a diagnostic tool.

Saskatchewan Problem Gambling Help Line
24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Confidential and free. Call toll free 1-800-306-6789 The Problem Gambling Help Line provides 24-hour help to people with gambling problems and their families. Callers receive confidential, professional service from trained counsellors. Services include:- Information
- Short-term counselling
- Crisis intervention services
- Referrals to regional health authority problem gambling counsellors and self-help groups
Prince Albert Grand Council Holistic Wellness Centre
The Prince Albert Grand Council Holistic Wellness Centre for the treatment of problem gambling is located in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. The Centre’s mission is to provide support for problem gamblers, their families and community based education about problem and responsible gambling. The Holistic Wellness Centre focuses on Problem Gambling (inpatient/outpatient treatment) and is the only ‘stand alone’ center for the treatment of problem gamblers that is not based on ethnicity or residency. Services include:- Outpatient Counselling
- Inpatient Treatment
- Day Treatment
- Telephone counselling/Individual counselling
- Evening Self Help Groups
- Gamblers Anonymous Meetings/Gam Anon, Residential School Healing Circles
- Public Information seminars and community-based education on problem gambling
File Hills Qu’Appelle White Raven Healing Centre
The File Hills Qu’Appelle White Raven Healing Centre is located in Fort Qu’Appelle, Saskatchewan. The Centre’s mission is to promote guiding principles that will encourage open communication with all individuals, families and communities. The primary focus is to provide traditional and conventional therapeutic counselling designed to address the legacy of inter-generational impacts of Residential Schools and unresolved trauma and family. Services include:- 5-Seat Gambling Day Treatment Program
- Group/Individualized Counselling
- Family and Relationship Building
- Gambling Counselor Training—Accredited 30-60 hours
- Gamblers Anonymous Meetings
- Gambling Mobile Treatment—Four Times annually
Saskatoon Tribal Council Responsible Gaming Outreach Treatment Program
The Saskatoon Tribal Council Responsible Gambling Outreach Treatment Program is located at 1514 – 20th Street West in Saskatoon, SK. The mission of the program is to minimize or reduce the negative impacts of problem gambling on the individual, the family and the community. Services include:- One on one counselling
- Group counselling
- Referrals to inpatient treatment centers
- Awareness and Education Programs for all ages
- Workshops and seminars
- Interactive displays
- Public awareness
- Connect with personal speakers
- Culturally relevant resources
- Prevention and harm reduction programs
- Adult education programs
- Life skills
- Healthy living
- Alternative activities
- Prevention information resources
First Nation Addiction Rehabilitation Foundation (FNARF)
FNARF was established to ensure that effective and accessible education, prevention and treatment programs were available to First Nation people. $2.25 million of SIGA’s profits are contributed annually to FNARF to ensure effective and accessible programs are made available.GaP – Gambling Awareness Program (CMHA)
The Gambling Awareness Program (GaP) educates communities and groups about the facts and risks associated with traditional gambling and its modern digital offshoots.
Offering FREE, fun and engaging presentations, displays, and resources for anyone in Saskatchewan. Proudly supported by Canadian Mental Health Association Saskatchewan Division since 1994. Please contact: (306) 683-3669

Credit Counselling Society – Saskatchewan Offices
The Credit Counselling Society is a registered, non-profit service for consumers. Since opening over 20 years ago, they have helped over half a million people across Canada learn how to:
- Solve debt problems
- Manage money better
- Use credit responsibly
If you are stressed because of your debt, struggling to make your minimum payments each month and need a plan to get your finances back on track, the Credit Counselling Society can help.
The Credit Counselling Society is an award-winning credit and debt counselling non-profit service. Established in 1996 as a registered charitable society, we have helped hundreds of thousands of Canadians learn how to manage their money and debt better.
Credit Counselling Society provides:
- free, confidential & non-judgmental credit counselling services
- debt consolidation, repayment and settlement programs
- money management education
- budgeting assistance
- information and referral services
2010 11th Ave, 7th Floor Regina, SK S4P 0J3
Phone: (306) 525-6999 or 1-888-527-8999
Suite 105 – 220 20th Street West Saskatoon, SK S7M 0W9
Phone: (306) 500-8104 or 1-888-527-8999
Website: www.nomoredebts.org
Email: info@nomoredebts.org