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SIGA Volunteer Program - Giving Our Time and Talent

Sharing Success with our communities is about more than money.

Our guiding principle Wîtaskêwin refers to sharing our time and effort as well as our material resources.

Our volunteers are game changers in their communities.

Check out why our employees like to volunteer.
SIGA Volunteers are Game Changers

SIGA’s employer supported Volunteer Program embodies one of our guiding principles Wîtaskêwin. SIGA’s vision of Sharing Success refers back to Wîtaskêwin and speaks to the concept of sharing our land or, in today’s terms, sharing resources. This value directs us to give back to the communities where we live and work. Volunteers at our SIGA Casinos and Central Office, engage in a variety of volunteer opportunities throughout the year that help create a positive and lasting change in their local communities.

Our employee-driven Volunteer Program has participation from over 30% of our employees, who contribute thousands of volunteer hours annually.

One example is SIGA Day of Sharing with each SIGA site partnering with a local Community Based Organization (CBO) to volunteer their time towards a specific project with immediate impact.

Other examples of volunteer activities include:

  • Food security initiatives – collecting food/raising funds or volunteering time at local food banks and soup kitchens
  • Community environmental clean-ups
  • Community BBQ fundraisers

All year round, SIGA Volunteers continue to be game changers in our communities!

We give back through sponsorships , scholarships and volunteerism