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Our Commitment

SIGA is a progressive organization with guiding principles rooted in our First Nations’ heritage.

Our principle Wîtaskêwin refers to sharing the land or, in today’s terms, sharing our resources. This is what guides our commitment to Share Success with our communities and to operate in a socially responsible manner so we can continue to help build a better future for our people.


partnerships created in 2024-25


in scholarships in 2024-25


volunteer hours in 2024-25


employees volunteered in 2024-25

$1.89 M

in sponsorships in 2024-25
Sharing Success

We’re committed to making a lasting, positive impact in our communities. We give back through sponsorships, scholarships and volunteerism.

To learn more about how we share success in the community, watch our video.
SIGA Community Investment Pillars
SIGA’s Community Investments reinvests $1.89 million annually back into Saskatchewan — with a focus on children, youth, elders and socially disadvantaged individuals.
Eligible Sectors

Eligible applicants must meet one of the following sectors:

Special emphasis on programs involving youth and people with disabilities.
Promote healthy lifestyle choices by placing special emphasis on the following areas, i.e.:
  • Food Security – Hunger/Nutritional Programs
  • Early Childhood Development Programs (i.e. life skills/parenting programs for families and parents-to-be, supporting the healthy growth and development of young children).
  • Mental Health Programs
  • Protection/Safety Programs (i.e. keeping children off the street, prevent child, spousal and elder abuse).
  • Drug and Alcohol Prevention Programs.
  • Prevention of Diabetes, Cancer, Heart and Stroke, AIDS, Multiple Sclerosis, etc.
  • Housing/Shelter Programs – Homelessness/Houselessness.
  • Programs that promote youth leadership (i.e. Junior achievement).
Retention and/or provision of Treaty Knowledge or Treaty Based Education Programming.
  • First Nations Tradition and Culture.
  • First Nations Arts and Cultural Events.
  • Other Arts & Cultural Events.
Programs/Events which represent communal interest and contribute to the building of SIGA’s alliances/partnerships within the community and/or align with SIGA’s corporate strategies.
Eligible Target Groups
Preference will be given to the following target groups:
  • Saskatchewan First Nations.
  • Youth (especially First Nations and youth at-risk).
  • Seniors (especially First Nations Elders).
  • Socially and economically disadvantaged individuals and families.
  • People with special needs.

We give back through sponsorships , scholarships and volunteerism