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Fostering strength and self-sufficiency
One of the most important measures of a healthy community is how well its residents treat the less fortunate among them.
Our proud tradition of Sharing Success guides our support of those in need. Our sponsorship program provides $1.89 million annually to charitable and non-profit organizations based in Saskatchewan. Our focus is on supporting initiatives that benefit children and youth, Elders, people who require social, physical or economic help, and those with disabilities.Our vision of Sharing Success grows out of the teachings of our Elders and their belief in sharing our land, one of our guiding principles Wîtaskêwin. Today, Wîtaskêwin refers to sharing our resources. Each year, we support hundreds of organizations and events that are making a difference in our communities.
To learn more about our partnership with the White Buffalo Youth Lodge, watch our video.

Apply for Sponsorship
When choosing sponsorship recipients, we seek opportunities that improve the quality of life for the socially and economically disadvantaged, including people with disabilities, while also demonstrating positive strategic relationships and good corporate citizenship in the communities where we operate.
Key Community Investments
At the Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority, one of our guiding principles is Wîtaskêwin, a Cree word that embodies the concept of sharing our land or, in today’s terms, sharing resources.
This deeply rooted value inspires us to give back to the communities where we live and work. In the spirit of Wîtaskêwin, Explore the incredible events we support and see how SIGA is making a difference in your community!