The Board of Directors is responsible for the stewardship of the organization and is ultimately accountable for the management of the affairs and business of SIGA.
It has established a terms of reference addressing its principle duties and responsibilities as a Board. All of its directors are independent of management and no member of management serves as a director.
The Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority (SIGA) was created with a social purpose to create jobs and opportunities for First Nation people. SIGA is owned by 74 First Nations of Saskatchewan (The Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations (FSIN)), and it is an honour to represent the Board of Directors of the Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority.
As stewards of the organization, the Board sets out a course for the future by implementing the strategic direction for the company. Always looking five years ahead, SIGA continues to reinvest in its facilities, its people and implement initiatives that focus on the outcomes required by our shareholders, customers and employees.
Since opening its doors, SIGA has generated more than $1 billion in revenue for our beneficiaries. As a fairly young company, this is an outstanding accomplishment – one that we can all be proud of.
On behalf of the Board of Directors, we look forward to sharing in the success of our common vision.
Chief Reginald Bellerose
The Board of Directors is comprised of not more than thirteen members. The Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations and the Tribal Councils appoint these members to the Board. Only individuals registered under The Alcohol and Gaming Regulation Act, 1997 may be members of the SIGA Board. Chair is a non-executive appointment.