11 Jul SIGA reports $262 million in revenue for 2018-19
July 11, 2019 – Saskatoon, SK – The Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority (SIGA) is pleased to announce revenues of $262 million with net earnings of $82.5 million for the 2018-19 fiscal year. View and download our annual report at sigaannualreport.ca.
It is through strong ties with loyal patrons and the hard work of our employees that we have achieved the success we have today and we’re able to share that success with Saskatchewan communities,’ says Zane Hansen, SIGA President and CEO.
As a non-profit corporation, 100 per cent of SIGA’s profits are distributed to our beneficiaries in Saskatchewan. SIGA is owned by Saskatchewan’s 74 First Nations and reports our financial and operational performance to our shareholders and the public.
Profits generated from SIGA’s operations are administered by the Province of Saskatchewan:
- 50 per cent is shared with the First Nations Trust, which is distributed to Saskatchewan First Nation communities;
- 25 per cent is shared with regional Community Development Corporations, which are situated in the casino locations and fund local initiatives;
- 25 per cent is shared with the provincial government’s General Revenue Fund.
On top of these returns, we also invested $1.3 million into more than 500 local organizations across Saskatchewan through our Community Investment Program in 2018-19.
SIGA’s President and CEO speaks to our strong sense of purpose as an organization as the foundation for our success:
As we look ahead – only one year out from celebrating a major milestone, 25 years in business – we reflect on how far we’ve come. From about 500 employees and four casinos to close to 2,000 employees and seven casinos – with a 64 per cent First Nation workforce. We’ve been able to build this success by maintaining a resolute focus on our ‘why,’ our purpose – to create opportunity and to help strengthen the lives of First Nation people.
SIGA continues to be a leader in Canada’s gaming industry, offering a distinct First Nation entertainment experience that reflects the traditional aspects of First Nation heritage and hospitality. SIGA is also one of the largest employers of First Nation people in Canada, employing close to 2,000 people, 64 per cent of which are First Nation.
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